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Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)

Inferior Quotations

Some Terminator Font: LOS ANGELES    2020A.D.

IQ: The capital A is italicized.

IQ: Not sure why.

Sarah Conner: Three billion human lives ended on Augus’ twen’y-ninth nineteen nine’y-seven.

Some Terminator Font:

Miles: I’m sure I told you the story about me convincing my friend’s mom to drive all of us to the skating rink in Atlanta on August 29, 1997 because they had a T2 arcade machine.

Miles: “The first specific date of Judgment Day as described by both Sarah Connor and the T-800 occurs on August 29, 1997. Skynet becomes self-aware at 02:14 am Eastern Time after its activation on August 4, 1997 and launches nuclear missiles at Russia to incite a counterattack against the humans who, in a panic, tried to disconnect it.”

Miles: We were all SO STOKED

Miles: so much Pepsi product placement in this film

SPF: Pepsi

Cigar Biker: You forgot to say please.

George Thorogood: Buh buh buh buh buh buh baaad.

IQ: Ridin’ w’no light.

John Conner: Um withdraw three zero zero. bucks!.

Tim: That her?

John Conner: Yes.

Tim: S-she’s pretty cool huh?

John Conner: No. she’s a complete psycho. That’s why she’s up at Pescadero it’s a mental institute okay. She tried to blow up a computer factory, but she got shot’n’ arrested.

Tim: No shit.

John Conner: S’s a total loser.

Sarah Conner: two million sunblock

Kenny Loggins: Hiiighwayyy tooo thaaa danger zone.

IQ: I think I heard him say that. Was it…

The Temptations: […] just my imagination […]

The Terminator: I would.

Todd Voight: Hey.! Shut up you worthless piece of shit.!

T-1000: Wolfie’s fine honey where are you?

The Terminator: Your foster parents are dead.

John Conner: It’s like, Sorry kid your mom’s a psycho didn’ja know.

The Terminator: This does not help our mission.

The Terminator: Why.

John Conner: Because you just can’t okay. Trust me on this.

Douglas: [Licks Sarah Conner’s face.]

Mom: Ew.

IQ: Damn Dad good favorite movie. He used to show off The Little Mermaid.

The Terminator: What’s wrong with your eyes.

John Conner: Nothin’.

Sarah Conner: So what’s your story.

IQ: Remember to link that to somethin’ else.

The Terminator: We have to get as far away from the city as possible.

IQ: Look at this headlight contrast. Circles on the bus an’ rectangles on the car.

Sarah Conner: Keep it under sixty-five; we don’t wanna be pulled over.

John Conner: No-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-no. Huhf.. You gotta listen t’the way people talk. You don’t say Ahh-fur-m’-tive. or some shit like that.

The Terminator: Chill out. Dick wad.

John Conner: Y’need any help?

The Terminator: No.

The Terminator: It’s in your nature to destroy your selves.

John Conner: Yeah. Major drag huh.

John Conner: Why attack Russia. Aren’t they our friends now.?

The Terminator: Uncle Bob?

IQ: God this desert detail.

John Conner: One thing about my mom: She always plans ahead.

The Terminator: I need a vacation.

The Terminator: I have to go away.

The Terminator: It has to end here.

The Terminator: I know now why you cry, but it’s some thing I ca’never do.

Sarah Conner: Maybe we can too.

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