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Good Will Hunting (1997)

Inferior Quotations

IQ: Armageddon trailer. Jamie Lee Curtis. Halloween H20: 20 Years Later. Whoa.

Tape: Now available on videocassette.

IQ: Phantoms. Miramax. The Wings of the Dove.

Kate Croy: I’d be penniless; cast out of society.

Marisa Tomei: You know this is completely illegal don’t you.

IQ: Feature Presentation pfft.

IQ: The choreography of this fight scene is pretty unbelievable until Matt Damon’s later punches.

IQ: Matt Damon’s interactions with Scott William Winters.

??: Tootsie Roll®. Toots-toots!

Chuckie: [~]Remember how your mother brought in ten bucks every day for a year and she finally got her couch Rent-A-Critter style?

IQ: That psychedelic American flag behind the guy who’s tryin’ to embarrass Matt Damon’s friend.

IQ: The receding hairline line!

Elliott Smith: Weee aarriived tooo late. Our mouuuths werrre o-o-opening. I… turrrned offff th-aaa liiight… Sooo, come on niiight.

IQ: What’s the name of that oldies song in the Yale or what ever mechanic shop in the Parole Card scene. Trivia.

Will: Ibid., your honor.

IQ: Henri Matisse. Samuel Adams.

[Shrink 1 / Psychologist / George Plimpton]: [~]Well I’m going on national television next week and I haven’ even got time to tell you much less talk to that raving looney in there; an absolute lunatic he is.

Will: [~]Sky rockets in flight.!

IQ: I cried when: Matt Damon cried.

[Sean?]: He used to be my um… my room mate in college.

Sean’s Chalk Board:

??: Howard Zinn and Chomsky.

IQ: Good blown-out highlights in this movie.

IQ: Robin Williams an’ alcohol.

IQ: Matt Damon wrote his self in to being some one brilliant, and he is.

Tom: You’re a brilliant man.

Sean: [~]I don’t regret a single day I spent with her.

IQ: Yeah that’s fuckin’ grown-up.

Sean: An’ I sure as hell don’t regret missin’ the damn game.

IQ: Those Carhartt®s.

Elliott Smith: I’m in love.. with the world.. through the eyes.. of a girl.. who’s still aroun’.. the morning aafterrr.
We broke up.. amonth ago, an’ I grew up; I didn’ know.. I’d be aroun’.. the morning aafterrr.
’t’s always been.. wait an’ see, a happy day, an’ then you pay, an’ feel like shit the morning aafterrr.
But now I feel.. changed aroun’.. an’ instead.. o'falling down.. I'm standing up.. the morning aafterrr.
Situations get fucked up, an’ turned aroun’ soon’ or laaa-a-aaaa-aaterr.

Elliott Smith: I’ll faaake it throoough the dayyy with some helllp f’m Johnny Walker Reh-eh-ehd.
Sen’ the poiiison raiinnn downn the drainnn * to put bad thoughts in my heeead.
W’two tiiickets torrrn in halllf, and a lottt of nothin’ to dooo, do you miiiss mee Miiiss Miiseryy like you say you do.
I know you’d rather see me gooone than to see meee the wayy-ay that I am when I am in the life any wayyy.
Nexxx’ doooor the T..V’s flaashing bluuue frames on the waalll.
It’s a commmedyy of errors you see; it’s abouuut taking a faalll.
To vaniiish in to obliiivionn it’s easy to dooo.
An’ I tryyy to be but you knowww me I.. come back when you wannnt me tooo.
Do you miiiss meee Miiiss Miiseryy like you sayy you dooo.

IQ: Jesus this is followed by Afternoon Delight. Star Land Vocal Band. Stop be kind please rewind.

*Robin Williams: Son of a bitch, he stole my line.

Robin Williams’s Street Number: 259

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