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Badlands (1973)

Inferior Quotations

Kit Carruthers: I’ll give you a dollar eat this collie.


Kit Carruthers: C’mon gimme a dollar for ’em.

IQ: He’s obsessed with dollars.

Kit Carruthers: Watch’er head.

Holly Sargis: Wella mean, there’s nothin’ he wants to know.

IQ: Haha multiple people throw things at the guy.

Kit Carruthers: Hey, quit my job.

Holly Sargis: Great.

Kit Caruthers: Seemed like the right move.

Kit Carruthers: How ya say I quit my job in Spanish.

Holly Sargis: Somethin’ me trabajo.

IQ: The movement in her lips after she says that. Birds chirpin’. Light, colors, textures, focus. Is me sic; should it be mi?

Holly Sargis: What a nice place.

Kit Carruthers: Yeah the tree makes it nice.

Holly Sargis: And the flowers.
Let’s not pick ’em.
They’re so niice.

Kit Carruthers: It’s your play.

Holly Sargis: My stomach’s growlin’.

Kit Carruthers: There’s a ol’ Fudgsicle® you wan’it.

Holly Sargis: Nooo.

Kit Carruthers: Some body else is gon’ get it.

Holly Sargis: Ha-haha, I don’t care.!

Kit Carruthers: Kha-hahaha. Kids eat that kinda stuff in Korea.

IQ: Lotsa Ks.

Holly Sargis: Little by little we fell in love.

Holly Sargis: Gosh what was ev’rybody talkin’ about.

Holly Sargis: Well I’m glad it’s over.

Holly Sargis: Yeah.. river musta washed the roots away. You don’ care about any thing I say though.

Holly Sargis: Don’t call me sstupid.

Kit Carruthers: Okay but I’m gonna keep it for a souvenir. Or maybe one that’s lighter.

Holly Sargis: His heart was filled with longin’ as he watched it drift off. Somethin’ musta told’im that we’d never live these days of happiness again, that they were gone for ever.

IQ: That perfect sky.

Holly Sargis: He said that if the piano didn’ keep me off the streets, maybe the clarinet would.

IQ: Incongruity.. the chick has green paint all around it on the billboard in one scene and that’s in the far-away shot, but in the next close-up scene of Warren Oates you can see the chick from the past, without the green paint around it. Geez and then it goes forward in time. (Let’s see if it’s on IMDb.. four of eight found a boring account of this continuity goof interesting.)

Father: You sunt’m.

Kit Carruthers: Takes all kinds sir.

Kit Carruthers: He don’ need a doctor.

Holly Sargis: Are ya sure.?

Kit Caruthers: ’f ya don’ believe me see for your self.

Crickets: Chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp.

Kit Carruthers: Found a toaster.
Don’ worry honey I

Holly Sargis: [Slap!.]

Holly Sargis: Suppose the neighbors heard the noise.

Kit Carruthers: Wouldn’ be funny.

Kit Carruthers: Oh uh ’f ya wanna call the police it’s fine, just won’t be so hot for me.

IQ: There’s her piano.


Kit Carruthers: [Inserts coins. Selects recording speed.]

Holly Sargis: There wuttin’ a plant in the forest that dittin’ come in handy.

Mickey & Sylvia: Looove, mm-mm-mm, love is strange, mm-mm-mm, lotta people, mm-mm-mm, take it for a game.

Kit Carruthers: [Splashy fishing attempts.]

Holly Sargis: Mostly though we got along fine and stayed in love.

Kit Carruthers: We don’t need this.

IQ: Why did he shoot Cato.

Holly Sargis: Kit never let on why he shot Cato.

Holly Sargis: It all goes to show how you can know a person and not really know him at the same time.

Kit Carruthers: Try to keep an open mind. Try to understand the viewpoints of others.

Kit Carruthers: Scuse the grammar.

Holly Sargis: Hope nothin’ ever goes wrong with mine.

IQ: Cameo.

Kit Carruthers: Hi. Whatcha doin’.

Rich Man: Just thinkin’.

Kit Carruthers: Eh good a way to kill time as any.

Kit Carruthers: The groceries.

Kit Carruthers: Guess there’s no way I’ll ever know for sure.

Holly Sargis: State bird’s the meadowlark.

Kit Carruthers: Ev’rybody loves trout.

Holly Sargis: In stead I sat in the car and read a map, and spelled out entire sentences with my tongue on the roof of my mouth where no body could read ’em.

Holly Sargis: I felt all kinda things lookin’ at the lights of Cheyenne, but most important I made up my mind to never again tag around with the hell-bent type, no matter how in love with him I was.

Kit Carruthers: Hey don’t touch that; Nat King Cole.

Nat King Cole: I thought you loved me. You said you loved me.

IQ: Holly’s yawnin’ while her voiceover describes Kit’s wish to have some one like her around when he dies, so she can scream out his name.

Kit Carruthers: God what a sight. Hey tell me this honey. Wha's a lil Texas girl like your self think o’a sight like ’at?.

Kit Carruthers: Wha’s the Blue Book® value on this thing Mildred!.

Kit Carruthers: What is wrong with your. HEAD!

IQ: Rocks are meaningful to ’im too.

Kit Carruthers: About there is where ya caught me.

Kit Carruthers: They’re okay.

Kit Carruthers: You boys keep out of trouble.

Kit Carruthers: Think ’ey’ll take ’at into consideration?.

IQ: The guy beside him’s exhale. Then the dreamy view outside.

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