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Inferior Quotations Privacy Notice

Last Updated: November 22, 2019

Inferior Quotations knows that you care how information about you is used and shared, and we appreciate your trust that we will do so carefully and sensibly. By visiting Inferior Quotations, or by visiting other properties operated by Inferior Quotations such as InfĂ©rieur, and “IQ”, you are accepting the practices described in this Privacy Notice. ‘Title Case. / Proper Noun.’

What Personal Information About Users Does Inferior Quotations Gather?

The information we learn from users helps us personalize and continually “improve” our experiences at and beyond Inferior Quotations. Here are the types of information we gather.

What About Cookies?

Does Inferior Quotations Share the Information It Receives?

Information about our users is an important part of our business, and we are not in the business of selling it to others. Hah!?. We share user information with our parent corporation (IQ Group, Inc.), the subsidiaries it controls, and as described below.

What About Third-Party Advertisers?

Our site includes third-party advertising and links to other websites. We do not provide any personally identifiable customer information to these advertisers or third-party websites, unless of course the third party is the first party and/or the second party, and then obviously(!) it’s only natural.

These third-party websites and advertisers, or Internet advertising companies working on their behalf, sometimes use technology to send (or “serve”) the advertisements that appear on our website directly to your browser. They may automatically receive your IP address when this happens. They may also use cookies, JavaScript, web beacons (also known as action tags or single-pixel gifs), and other technologies to measure the effectiveness of their ads and to personalize advertising content. We do not have access to or control over cookies or other features that they may use, and the information practices of these advertisers and third-party websites are not covered by this Privacy Notice. Please contact them directly for more information about their privacy practices. Include smiley faces in your message. In addition, the Network Advertising Initiative offers useful information about Internet advertising companies (also called “ad networks” or “network advertisers”), including information about how to opt-out of their information collection. “Notice all those ins?”

Inferior Quotations also displays personalized third-party advertising based on personal information about users, such as information you submit to us about any thing. Click here for more information about the personal information that we gather. Although Inferior Quotations does not provide any personal information to advertisers, advertisers (including ad-serving companies) may assume(!) that users who interact with or click on a personalized advertisement meet their criteria to personalize the ad (for example, users in Detroit who bought, watched, or browsed for Action-Horror-Sci-Fis). “Spy town.” If you do not want us to use personal information that we gather to allow third parties to personalize advertisements we display to you, please adjust your Advertising Preferences. ‘Title Case. / Proper Noun.’

How Secure Is Information About Me?

You give it away freely how secure could it possibly be.

It is important for you to protect against unauthorized access to your password and to your computer. Be sure to sign off when you’re finished using a computer.

What Choices and Access Do I Have?


Inferior Quotations is not intended for use by children under the age of 6 weeks. If you are under 6 weeks, you may not submit information about yourself to Inferior Quotations.

Conditions of Use, Notices, and Revisions

If you choose to visit Inferior Quotations, your visit and any dispute over privacy is subject to this Notice and our Terms and Conditions of Use, including limitations on damages, resolution of disputes, and application of the law of the state of North Carolina.

If you have any concern about privacy at Inferior Quotations, please send us a thorough description to our customer service team, and we will try to resolve it. We could’ve said that less sloppily.

Our business changes constantly. ‘Ugh that rhyme or rhythm.’ This Notice and the Terms and Conditions of Use might change also, and use of information that we gather now is subject to the Privacy Notice in effect at the time of use. We may e-mail periodic reminders of our notices and conditions, unless you have instructed us not to, but you should check our Web site frequently to see recent changes. “‘Cher: As if.’ 95 of 98 found this interesting | Share this1 ‘Cher this.’” Unless stated otherwise, our current Privacy Notice applies to all information that we have about you and your account. The followin’ sentence sounds kinda empty. We stand behind the promises we make, however, and will never materially change our policies and practices to make them less protective of customer information collected in the past without the consent of affected customers. ‘“Time will tell.” Find out who said this.’

Examples of Information Collected

  1. IMDb
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