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Critter Discusses Appropriation Art and Copyright Law with Henry Geldzahler

Transformative art with fair-use justifications.

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Critters Interviews are Now Being Archived on Inférieur

Browse back issues of Inférieur.

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Critter Discusses Aesthetic Awakenings and the Artistic Process with Gregory Crewdson

A meta-referential, self-reflexive constructed reality.

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Critters Forgery Sticker Packs Sell Out Immediately on Inférieurs Launch Day

Business as usual.

Buy me I’ll change your life

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Critter Establishes IQ to Authenticate and Grade his Penny Paintings

Verify authenticity and see up-to-the-minute values.

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Market / News
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Critter Debuts TimesWhat as a Digital Gallery, Archive, and Secondary Market

Your personal timesing community.

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Critter Launches Inférieur with Seven New Titles Including Eno Quarry and Wimpy World

A periodical devoted to minor achievements in photography.

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Critter Debuts Inferior Quotations to Re-evaluate Trump Tweets

“It’s almost like the United States has no President.”

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Critter Redesigns Things Change Over Time to Showcase the Books of his Publishing Companies

Rare books. Collect ’em all!

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Critters Seven-Year-Old Decalogue Miraculously Appears on Perfect Religion

Thou shalt not unskeptically adopt man-made commandments.

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Critter Unveils Inferior Quotations as a Place to Contemplate Cinema

Rewind, be kind, et cetera.

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Critter Resuscitates to be One Mini-Day Away from Miless

HTTP 451: TuvSquad forced to destroy all bootleg post cards.

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Critter Debuts “IQ” as a Place to Share Art News

Its the first of a number of Inferior Quotations sub-sites.

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Critter Introduces Optical Therapy, an Inferior Analog of Infinite Jest (V?) on Loop

Stare for a while. And remember the daze gone by.

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Market / News
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Critter Launches Rent-A-Critter as an Affordable Alternative to Acquisition

Its also a fun way to play with provenance.

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