Pictures at an exhibition

Critters Celebration of Aberrations at The Morning Times in Raleigh

Warp Tour photo

Installation view, “Warp Tour” 2019, at The Morning Times, Raleigh

Photo: Critter, courtesy inferieur

Pictures at an Exhibition presents images of a notable show every once in a while.

Today’s show: Critter’s solo exhibition “Warp Tour” is on view at The Morning Times in Raleigh through Wednesday, July 31. The show features 11 paintings and 29 prints from over a dozen distinct series in the artist’s body of work. Distortions (optical, digital, physical, and mental) hide in plain sight to further unite pieces which already enjoy coy and felicitous connections.

Article Tags

Critter  Prints  Paintings  Art  Exhibit  Warp Tour  Altered States  Inherent Vice  Superficial Grime  Dirty Rollers  Impact Damage  Water Damage  Diffusion  Abrasion  Chromatic Aberration  Compression Artifacts  Thin-Film Interference  Readability Thresholds  Dramatic Aliasing  Delamination  Interpolation  Modification  Creasing  Folding  Flexing  Warping